Why haven't I been blogging? Because I have been busier than a swarm of ants on a tossed-away caramel apple. Hopefully, I will get some writing time in later today. But I am making no guarantees. Meanwhile, here's a quick peek:
Andy's teacher says he is definitely ADHD, "but it isn't affecting his ability to function." Question: so why are we having this meeting again? (But I will say she is being very proactive and understanding, so I think this teacher generally rocks.)
Joey starts his swimming program today through school. Pros: Joey LOVES swimming and water, he gets extra movement every Wednesday for the next six weeks, and he gets the extra sensory time. Cons: He qualifies because he is "moderately to severely disabled." You might notice that "he misses school" is neither here nor there. I doubt he'll fall very far behind in math, which is the academic subject he will miss.
We have confirmed SOL testing is a waste of time and stress.
Andy's teacher has added yet another dimension to homework. We are now up to an hour and fifteen minutes. Every night.
We have our first pumpkins! (you know you want to see
that post- PICTURES!!!)
We think our last Challenger game was rained out. We're hoping for a reschedule, but since it would be the third, we're not holding our breath.
We completely re-arranged our house. I got a great, wonderful, fantastic deal on a really high-quality entertainment center set, and the dust is finally starting to settle. We have a new den, and I have two new cabinets for showing off all my collected knick knacks. I have one case just for my cut crystal bowls, vases, pitchers, and wine glasses. Happy happy Joeymom. Now I just need to clear away all the boxes, bins, and detritus from moving furniture and display cases all around.
My cats remain warm and furry. This is good, as Fall has arrived and it is now chilly.
And not for a full post, but as a note to
Stimey: I got attacked by not one, but
five squirrels, in a mob, driving home from my mom's house yesterday. I swear they all leapt from the trees directly at the car, in a big group, all at once. I didn't actually hit any squirrels, but it was a good thing it was a little back road with no curbs to burst a tire on. And that no one was there to hear me scream like a little girl and swear like a pirate. But, my friend, they are gathering and plotting to take over the world. I am a living witness. Warn Alex.