Monday, May 28, 2007

Everybody into the pool!

'Tis the season for getting the water out, watching Joey splash about with glee, then simply pick up his feet so his bottom hits the water, sending half the pool to the grass. It is also the season for Andy to jump in, sit in the water, get out, and complain that he's wet.


kristina said...

Ships ahoy! That looks like too much fun----

Maddy said...

Yup. We have that one too. Water = wet seems such a tricky concept!

Margaret Romao Toigo said...

That is some pool! Looks like lot's of fun.

Joeymom said...

I got such a deal on that pool. We got it at Tuesday Morning for $20. Best damn $20 I've spent on any home equipment yet, save the trampoline. Joey LOVES water. He's been babbling about it all weekend. He talked him self to sleep! We've never had so much talking!