Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Never In Doubt

Wordless Wednesday, Part II: A Brother's Love


Niksmom said...

Oh these are so beautiful. I must be hormonal —these made me cry tonight! Especially the ones in the hospital with baby Andy and the one with Andy on Joey's back!

Stimey said...

I think the best part of having more than one child is seeing them interact together. Seeing them be friends, seeing them struggle with each other, seeing them love each other. Seeing them learn to be a team.

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

What lovely pictures (on this post and the previous too). Thanks so much for sharing. It's so beautiful to see how much they love each other.

Suzanne said...

Absolutely Adorable!!

little.birdy said...

I like how Joey has a backpack...and Andy has a fishing pole, like he's going to fishing school.

Ange said...

Now THESE are beautiful pictures. They really capture your boys as brothers. Of course I have a soft spot for brotherhood...nothing beats seeing that relationship develop and grow.

Casdok said...

How lovely....

Maddy said...

Now that's a real WW.
Best wishes