Sunday, February 10, 2008

Guessing game

Andy has a guessing game for you. He is in search of his "scoopin." A Scoopin is black, it eats bugs, and it has two legs. It is somewhere in his room, but not under the bed, because we looked there. It is and is not an animal. It is not a bug. It is not a person. It is not a spoon. It is not a dinosaur. It is small, baby, not big.

I have actually figured this one out, so i will leave you the fun of guessing before I give you the answer.


Stimey said...

I would say scorpion, but I think they have more than two legs. And then I really would have to move.

Casdok said...

You tease!!

Maddy said...

Do we really want to know?

Joeymom said...

I think Stimey cheated- she's got three boys. :P It was, indeed, a scorpion! Fortunately, he was looking for a rubber one, not a real one. You don't have to move. ;)

Stimey said...

Is it still cheating if I know because those things live in my nightmares? We have a beanie baby scorpion (don't ask me why) and it freaks me out every time I see it. There is no way on earth I could allow my children to have a rubber one. I would have a heart attack whenever I ran across it.