You know it is going to be a good day when you wake up with both boys fast asleep in your bed. Don't they look like perfect, squishable little angels? (That's because they ARE! And never fear, I squished them.)

It was one sweet prince's first day back to school. we were worried, because there was a new teacher, a new building, and lots of new classmates. I have signed Andy up for the 3-day half-day preschool, so most of the kids in his class are preschool "newbies." Most kids who have a year under their belt go on to the five-day or the full-day. He has a couple familiar faces in there, one from his old class, one from church.

Andy hopped right in and got down to business. I think the teacher was surprised. This is only her fourth year teaching preschool. Let's all wish her luck. Anyway, Andy found a nice game to play and settled right in, so we kissed him and hugged him and left him to his world.

Joey has been a little depressed lately, and leaving Andy at school was very upsetting for him. A visit to Max and Charlie and Jack-Jack didn't cheer him up, so I took him to the Bug Box. And this time, I remembered a camera. He loves the turtles and the snakes, and he's interested in the spiders and butterflies. Most of the bug-bugs, like the stick bugs and the grasshopper, don't hold his attention- I don't think he can discern them from their surrounds yet, or it take a lot of energy for him to do it. The snake was on the move today, so tha brought a giggle out of him.

We didn't stay as long as usual. He was still sad and missing Andy, and there were some very little kids there today, who were whiny. Joey got very upset and concerned about them when they cried or complained, and I think that wore him out, too.
Then we went and got Andy. That made Joey very, very happy indeed.
Poor Joey. It's tough when a brother goes goes off to do his own thing. I'm a little concerned about Quinn once his big brothers are gone all the time.
Yay for squishable boys though. That's the best.
Sometimes squishes make the anxiety go away. Give Joey lots of extra squishes from his fans here in DE, ok?
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