Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Ah, things keep moving along here. As we start our preparations for next year, we begin our information gathering, organizing the data and analyzing all the clues for what we will need. Two boys. Two whole systems to meet their needs.

We are starting the process of determining appropriate placements for Joey for second grade. Mrs. Huff will be interviewing teachers, looking at rooms, considering options. All the special ed kids are required to complete a program called "Fast Forward." It usually takes a few years to do. Joey will be done this week. this will give us another 35 minutes a day to work on his goals, his social skills, and subjects he is lagging in (especially history).

In the meantime, I have started the ball rolling for Andy. I have contacted the school to start Child Find again, alerted our OT, and have a parent who is going to let me peek at her son's 504 for sensory dysfunction. I hope to get an idea of what kinds of things can be included in a 504.

So, moving right along. I'll keep you posted.

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