Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Small Corner of the Interwebz

I've been sharing our lives with you all for 3 1/2 years now. Potentially, I have let the entire world in on my life, my thoughts, my adventures, my ups and downs, for the last 3 1/2 years. Life is very different. In May of 2006, Joey was still in preschool. He speech was so limited, I actually blogged about even the hints of conversation, though Joey was still using single-word responses. We went crazy with joy at signs of pretend play. The huge, dramatic meltdowns of a frustrated child were far more common. I remember that first comment from Maddy, that first hint that I wasn't just talking to myself out here. We were in the midst of IEP Hell, trying to get footing, trying to get a master's in special education practice and law in the few short months we had to master the system and the skills for getting Joey was he needed. We needed to know what he actually needed. At the same time, we had Andy to raise and learn about, and his needs to understand and master.

Yeah, we've come a long way. In that time, I have seen other folks with wider-read blogs, blogs that started and took off. OUr little corner has remained a comfy corner with my squishy-comfy couch, hot chocolate on the stove, and plenty of cozy quilts to snuggle under. I don't do the things that make a blog expand and take on life of its own. I don't advertise, I don't label and tag, and don't do a lot of jumping up and down and making noise elsewhere. I don't do reviews, unless I feel like something out to be brought to your attention because I think it would be helpful and awesome. I have never been to BlogHer. If I get 100 hits in a day, that's a big deal, and I check out what I talked about to cause the spike.

I started out trying to help folks. That was the idea behind this blog- to offer what we were learning, knowing others needed to know, and fast. Being a quiet little corner can help that, because you don't get the tramping of unwelcome feet, you don't see a lot of the venom from having huge numbers of people with vast diversity of opinions battling it out in your comments. I can share experiences here that might not normally be put on a huge blog, more pictures, more little vignettes of life with children generally, and with an autistic child, a very beautiful autistic child, specifically. I can provide those little reminders that life is good, you can do this, and we're all in it together. After all, that's what life is- we're all in this together. The Earth is really quite small, you know. A little comfy corner of the cosmos.

Perhaps being a bigger blog (and a better-written blog), along the lines of Whitterer or Stimeyland or Maternal Instincts, I might reach more people. Or maybe not. One thing you learn as a teacher, just because you give the lecture and answer the questions doesn't mean everybody learns. Yet somehow I find being that comfy corner of the web with the squishy couches and ice cream to be something else the community needs. Maybe that's just the way I am.


Anonymous said...

I'm lynne, and I just wanted to say hello. I've been following you via the hub for a couple of years now, since before I started bloging myself. I prefer to participate in the quieter blogs with little controversy - same as I prefer my life, really. I see similarities with both your boys in my G and the commonalities make me feel better on days when I need it. Anyway, you've taught me quite a lot and I'd like to say thanks. :)

Kim Wombles said...

I like you comfy cozy corner. :-)

Niksmom said...

Aww, I'm floored (and flattered!) that you think of my blog as "one of those" blogs. Frankly, I'm just like you...I write to share and help.

I like your cozy little corner very much; it's whay I visit so often. :-)

Usethebrains Godgiveyou said...

You're a good mama. That comes through. A comfortable mama!!

Stimey said...

You were one of my first reads. You were the first person to tag me for a meme (you should have felt my heart jump when I saw my name on your blog). You have always been one of the more amazing writers with practical advice and real-life information that has made a true difference in my life.

Honestly, even if I'd never met your or spoken to you (although I'm glad I do!), you would be a person of consequence in my life. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. Keep on keepin' on, friend, because this corner of the interwebz is important.

Maddy said...

Likewise, as everyone else has already said, I'm definitely in the comfy couch brigade. I have been very lax of late as life has just become so very complicated, busy and worrisome. I've been taking a back seat for a while now as there are only so many hours in the day and I prefer to use my time in the comfy areas rather than the controversial ones. You are a great mum with so many practical tips and experiences that so many of us enjoy and share. I can hardly believe we've all been going that long, but the years just seem to whip by.
Best wishes as always