Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Reports from the Front

I keep telling myself this was all just a big misunderstanding, that this OT wasn't really saying Joey should have a chew toy instead of gum, this was all just a silly word-problem.

Nope. She's serious.

And so the big battle is scheduled for Feb 28: the IEP meeting.

I tried to get this settled before the IEP, but apparently she had better things to do and everyone else's kid was more important than mine, and she just couldn't fit me into her schedule. So instead of quietly settling the matter, we're going to settle it loud and clear, and in front of her colleagues. Yuck.

The discussion between her and my private OT has been terrifyingly illuminating. She really does think putting fingers to a child's throat is "more subtle" than giving them a peice of chewing gum. Really. She didn't understand the importance of sensory integration interventions to an autistic child. In fact, for a women outing herself as a professional OT and advertising her work with the new autism resource room- one of the reasons she couldn't meet- you'd think she'd have some inkling about the sensory integration issues of autistic children, and approparite, functional interventions and accommodations. Every time I think about her in there with other autistic children, I get more and more concerned. They need someone in there supporting them- especially an OT- not someone torturing them!

So Wednesday is the big day. Everybody, please hope hard.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

Both of mine have sensory integration issues, and one has severe motor/oral/tactile defensiveness. We have the chewies and have experimented with gum [always swallows it!] but I've never heard of putting your fingers down their throat! Do you mean that literally?
I could ask the OT that see my son as her speciality is oral / motor. She uses external massage to his cheeks, working towards the chin and then towards his lips. Did she give you any references that gives authority to such a programme? sorry - beginning to ramble.
Best wishes