Friday, March 07, 2008


Hmmm. We installed a nightlight in Andy's room last night. Funny, we had no screaming, no visits from that child, and no problems getting him to go to sleep in the first place. This time last year, even a sliver of light in that room resulted in all-night problems. How children change as they grow up... we're glad he had a good night. Here's hoping for a trend.


Niksmom said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for the trend to continue.

Casdok said...

Mine too!!

Stimey said...

I hope for a trend too. Isn't that funny how they change though?

Jen P said...

We bought a string of green Christmas lights when they went on sale and put it up in their room. We get less coming out of the room at right, but they still manage to crawl in our bed and wake us up to eat at 5:45! I'm so glad The Hub is the cook in the family!