Saturday, August 22, 2009

To the Beach!

Heads up, folks, we are headed to the beach for a whole week! We're very excited, we're looking forward to boys relaxing in the surf (especially Joey- he doesn't get much "time off"), and I may even read a book or something. But I'm not going to guarantee it.

So if there aren't too many posts this week, that's why. And if there are lots of pictures of boys and sand, that's why. All hands on deck- we're going to the beach!


Stimey said...

Have a great time! Can't wait to see sandy boy pictures! I read six books on vacation. It was awesome. Enjoy!

Casdok said...

Hope you all have the best time!

Cathy said...

have a wonderful time!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Hope you have a wonderful time!