Sunday, August 19, 2007

I have returned!


I was thinking I was going to have more time to blog over the weekend. The hotel had access and everything. Silly me. But the time was not frittered. My husband figured out how to do video conferencing over the computer. I got to SEE and TALK to my boys each evening!!! How's that for Hero Husband? Go JoeyAndyDad!!!! Let's hear it for my Allan! ***CHEERS!!***

Unfortunately, my train was late and I didn't get to see the boys. I went in and smooched 'em anyway. How can one resist those sweet little sleepy heads?

We've gotten some red flags tossed up about school. We thought we had everything settled about kindergarden and his new teacher and stuff, and suddenly the messages we're getting is that the summer school teacher is going to have him and she "reminded" me that he needs to be registered. He's already registered, and I thought we were having the teacher I've been talking to already? Not good. We're really nervous. Not that the summer lady hasn't done OK, but she's not like the other teacher, and we were really excited about the other lady, really feeling comfortable and happy. Silly us.

We still don't know what "keem" is. It hasn't come up again.

But I'll keep you posted.


Niksmom said...

Whaaaat? I thought it was all "sewn up" before you left? Oy vey! I'll be sending some good juju your way! xo

Jen P said...

Welcome Home!

Maddy said...

I think that's part of the reason why it's so difficult to 'relax.' Everything looks o.k., everything should be o.k., and then something goes awry. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Best wishes