Saturday, August 14, 2010

It Was The Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

We're back from the beach. We'll be blogging after I get a good couple shots of vodka in my system and a few deep breaths, and lots of boy hugging.

Coming attractions:

Joey loves the beach, so why won't he leave the hotel room?

Andy joins a high sea adventure upon the Duckaneer!

Trimpers. Woo-hoo! Boys win lots of prizes!

We find pirate gold and baby crabs.

Mommy forgets to bring the earplugs to Marty's.

Joey opens the door- while the car is still moving. (No one fell out or was hurt. But, HOLY FRIJOLES!!!)

The good news is that both boys are already planning next year's Ocean City vacation. They want to go back to the Majestic (where we were last year). Andy is plotting on making his own carnival here, so he can win his own prizes and make his own games. Joey is planning on how to practice his skeeball, and bragging about his score.

The bad news is Mommy needs a drink.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

We Is Here

See you on the other side!