Thursday, October 23, 2008


For almost two years now- or is it longer?- Joey has insisted that someone sit in his room with him while he drifts off to sleep. Trying to leave before the child was fully asleep meant starting over in the whole 30-40 minute process. JoeyAndyDad has taken on the task the vast majority of evenings, sitting in the chair that was once my grandfather's, turning on his iPod to listen to a book once Joey was calm and quiet and just dropping off. Sometimes Joey likes to watch his aquarium light for a while before really going to sleep.

Every once in a while, we get a glimmer of possibility that this ritual may be ending.

Last night, Joey dismissed his dad after story time. I was still reading to Andy and making up our latest T-Rex and the Lizards installment, so when Andy was all tucked in, I wandered over to Joey's room to check on him. He has his fish light on.

I was also dismissed after a good squishing.

He went to the bathroom once, and spent the rest of time in his own room, being quiet. And then he fell asleep all by himself.

I think my baby is growing up.

1 comment:

Niksmom said...

Oh, those bittersweet transitions...