Sunday, April 12, 2009

Overheard on Easter Morning

When Grandma called, she told Joey about the eggs the Easter bunny left all over the yard for them.
"He took them out of the basket?" Joey asked.
"Yes, he hid them all over the yard!"
"That wasn't very nice."


Stimey said...

Darn Easter Bunny, always creating more work.

Sally's World said...

that bloody easter bunny...why can't he just leave the eggs in one place...santa can manage it!

Amanda said...

Oooh, I love this. Gave me a chuckle. How right is Joey! The Easter bunny should be more considerate :)

kristina said...

Can never trust those Easter bunnies.

Casdok said...

Hope the easter bunny has been forgiven!

Robert said...

I love Joey's logic! He's sooooo right about that!