Monday, December 14, 2009

Pre-holiday Grabbag

The holidays are upon us.

Santa is working hard to find a large dinosaur, hopefully plastic, articulated, and with a roar, and somewhere in the range of $30. Decorations are going up. Tomorrow's plan: clean the kitchen so I can spent the majority of Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday baking. Oh, wait, that would be today's plan. Yes, tis the season for insomnia, too.

Also its the end of the semester. It is much like the huge deadlines faced by folks with real jobs. We all call it Hell Week- no, its not the finals that are the problem. Grading is no problem. The student whining, however, is enough to make your head explode. And this is the time of year when the whining is loudest, and the most useless. It is too late. This year, they went whining not just to me, but to my department chair. There is nothing that feels like a punch of stomach like having the students you have spent the entire semester supporting, giving breaks, coaxing, pleading, pulling out all the stops trying to get them to understand material and perform at the college level complain to your boss that you are "unprofessional." No, wait, how about an email from said boss asking you to "do some soul searching"? It sure makes you feel sorry you have standards. Life would be so much easier if you didn't. Students who get As rarely complain ("getting" and "earning" are two entirely different things).

No, wait, what about realizing you've dropped a ball? I've called the school Joey will be in next year- no, more accurately, I have emailed, as I was told to do that rather than call- three times. The first time I actually got a response from the principal's secretary saying he would call. He never did. The other two messages? No response at all. I should have already been in to see classes, meet teachers, and get the transition process rolling. I should be planning spring IEP now. Instead, I have done nothing, gotten nowhere, and been summarily and consequently ignored. I run the risk of Joey suffering as further consequence. One of those days I planned for baking will likely be swallowed by trying to stand in the office in protest until someone deigns to speak with me. It's a little more important than cookies, don't you think?

I still have holiday cards to send. I haven't even taken a good photo of the boys yet this year. With my computer crash, I lost a bunch of addresses and am still trying to track them down. I pulled out last year's cards, but of course the address I want most is the envelope that is missing.

I need to put together teacher presents. These folks have worked their butts off. Joey's teachers have really done gangbusters for him this year, now that the schedule is settled. This is likely to be the last year to give a present to Mrs. H and Ms. Macy, so I want to have something super-spectacular for them. Joey's speech therapist has been a godsend. Andy's teacher has been nothing short of a miracle.

I ordered some books last month from scholastic. I wonder why I haven't gotten them yet.

The boys have been so good, and got such good report cards, I took them to Charles d'Fromage for dinner. Two ecstatic boys. I signed up for coupons, which made it even better. Andy likes to go up in the tubes, there is a lion cage above where I set up basecamp. It roars when you go in. He can also sit up there and call down to me, and to his brother. Oh, and know when the pizza arrives. It must be a fabulous view. Joey won a bunch of tickets at skeeball, he was so pleased with himself. Yes, nothing like an evening of listening to Chuck and his pals singing classic Christmas carols, like "Big Band Santa" and "The Twelve Days of Chuck E's" .

Two more final exams tomorrow. I already have two who have called in sick. But I got their number. I put up an online version. They can do it nicely from home- where they claim to be as they send me email.

I gotta get these grades done. This semester desperately needs to be over.

Happy holidays!


Niksmom said...

Sending you good sleep and get-it-all-done vibes! This time of year can be pretty hectic all the way around.

Maybe you should take some cookies to the prinicpal of the school; I bet s/he would see you then! ;)

farmwifetwo said...

The meeting you are mentioning is Monday. I currently have little to no use for the school at all wrt my younger one. Unless you want to call it respite?????

If there is no agenda - doubtful, no draft report/IEP - iffy, my FSW and I are leaving. The school board special ed guy came, bought into their "crap" and told me to get over myself... more polite than that, but that was the jist. I told him what actually happened... and he told me he didn't wish to show up and get btwn me and the school and our need to discuss things... If there wasn't a problem I wouldn't have called him, would have I????

So, instead of getting ready for Xmas I'm dealing with a list of other things.....

3 days and counting... then they can shove it. It's Xmas.

farmwifetwo said...

Wed is the meeting, not Mon... today I have to get tires, do the payroll, find out when my kid's EKG appt is since the Dr's office isn't calling so I'm calling the hospital myself.... Sigh...

Stimey said...

So you're saying that you're bored?

Seriously, I wish you luck on your giant list. You sure have your hands full. Hang in there!