Friday, March 30, 2012

Ryan: Week 8

Another week of our good friend Ryan, joining our world for a little taste.


Tom Hibben said...

a good man will tell you your pretty & rub your back, a great man will bail you out after an IEP fight! hahah nice!

Niksmom said...

OMG, the third one made me actually *cackle* out loud! LOVE IT!

Jenny said...

All of these are great, but first one is my favorite, because I would pay good cash money for a nap right now!

Maria D. said...

Hahaha!Their are quite a few admins I would like to smack upside the head!

Patty O. said...

Oh, this is priceless! "the bail money will be here soon!" So, so great. And I can totally relate to wanting to hit someone at an IEP!

Lizbeth said...

Patty beat me to it--the bail money will be here soon. Gawd, that was good.

jayewalking said...

Those were great! I could use a guy like him to bail me out after some school meetings.

mjsuperfan said...

I love this! I would like a poster-size one of the "smacking the clueless admin person" one.