Sunday, April 03, 2016

On the Third Day Of April

Joey's baseball season has begun! Joey plays for the Challenger's League, through Little League. He loves to play, though the spring season is often hard for us by the end- the heat cranks up, and Joey doesn't do heat. Perfectionism is a problem, too- although everybody gets to hit, run, and score, he know the real rules of baseball. He gets upset when he swings and misses. As the season progresses, so will he; but the first game can be tough. It's a transition, like any other.

He's been gearing up this year, though. Around Christmas, all the lessons of the nutritionist sunk in and clicked, and he's been working on his weight and strength, eating better and going out to play more. He's lost nearly 30 pounds- which is even more amazing, as he has gained about 3 inches in height at the same time. If I could get him to practice, he'd knock the leather off the ball.

So it is time to pull out our baseball scripts, find a good place to keep our uniform, and get ready for some fun Saturday games. We are Marlins again this year, so it should be awesome!

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