Thursday, April 23, 2009

Are You Aware? XX

When you have a child with special needs, sometimes you need special toys, equipments, and supplies. Where to get them? Where does one get weighted vests, assistive communication devices, or PECS cards? These catalogues have great stuff, and great ideas. Do include your own favorite sources in our comments!

tfh (Special needs toys)
Different Roads to Learning
Discovery Toys
Enabling Devices
Kaplan Early Learning

Edit: One Step Ahead has an "able-rated" section!


Stimey said...

I am loving this series that you are doing. It is a great source of a lot of information. And I was just about to go searching for some special needs toys for Jack's birthday, so this post comes at the perfect time!

Sally's World said...

toys are hard...people don't get that, and my boys get offended if people buy baby toys...just cos they seem suitable...i have a couple of great links on mine too, especially some good communication sites....stimeys right...this is a great series and i have not only learned alot, but have been able to pass on some great info too! thanks...

Cathy said...

Southpaw has some great stuff, too.